Sunday, September 14, 2014

Mahjongg #3


This is Moira’s Mahjongg quilt that she made in our beginner class.  I believe this is the first quilt she has made and did a wonderful job!   She picked all batik fabrics and I really like the focus fabric she chose in greens, reds and golds.


She made the smallest size as one of the fabric she purchased was cut too short so she just added extra borders to make it lap size, great fix!  I used Quilters Dream Blend, light beige So Fine thread and the Mimosa pantograph.


Well it has been cloudy here the last couple of nights so have not been able to see any more Northern Lights.     Hope some of you were luckier!


  1. Moira did a great job. I really like the small dark border flanked by white. It really sets it off.

  2. Too many clouds for me to see any of the aurora activity!!! Moira's quilt is fabulous. Love her color choices!

  3. Superkaunis peitto, aivan kertakaikkiaan ihanat värit! Pidän tästä kovasti:)

  4. I really like this one. She did a great job.
