Sunday, August 13, 2023

Summer Photos


Its been a month since I checked in on the blog.  Not a lot of quilting going on just spending time outside with my camera.  My main focus has been birds and the challenge of capturing their motion. That part still needs a lot of work and practice but I have mastered the sitting bird!  LOL!

I discovered a large patch of Milkweed near my home so now understand why I have been spotting more Monarch Butterflies this year.  Didn't catch any on the Milkweed just one blurry shot of it flying away!  Lots of bees and butterflies and I even spotted a hummingbird in the patch. 

Did get this nice shot of the Monarch in my flowers so made up for the failed attempts in the Milkweed patch!

We have been kayaking every week since the beginning of June.  Retired life is great as we can just head out when the weather is good.

Spent some time at a relatives cottage and enjoyed some stargazing while photographing the Milky Way.  Was thrilled to see I caught a Perseids meteor breaking up in my selfie shot!  

And of coarse my hummingbirds are still my main focus. We now have about 6 regular visitors to our feeders on the front deck.  Can get chaotic at times as they fight and speed around but very entertaining.

Love the tail fan!

I did manage to get one to come to me to feed out of my hand feeder, now he sits on the table and guards it, too cute. 

I also am trying a window feeder so I can watch them closer from inside the house. ( Yes I'm aware how obsessed I am with them). ;)  It took a few weeks for the hummers to start using it and now it is being used often. Its fun to watch them checking out their reflection. I can also sit quite close to the window and as long as I don't move suddenly they will stay. 

 One of my favorite shots this month, a hummingbird in the spruce tree.

So that has been my summer so far and I have been doing some sewing but I'll save that for another post.  


  1. Went to my brother's in MD last weekend and was thrilled to see my first hummingbird!! I am 62 and it was on my bucket list. It was all green, and went from pot to pot checking out the flowers on the deck. It came within 6' of me, I can die happy now!! Your pics and stories are wonderful!! Anne in PA

  2. So beautiful, Kathy! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Wow - you have some amazing photos - the captures of the hummers are incredible!!!
