Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Sparrows Quilt #2

Cindy made this sweet Sparrows Quilt, pattern by Pen & Paper Patterns.  She used all batik fabrics and the backing is a grey Fireside.

I quilted it with the Bountiful Feathers pantograph, used grey So Fine thread and Quilters Dream Blend batting.


Now that the weather is getting warmer I have been taking my new camera out to practice my bird photography. Going from a DSLR to a mirrorless camera is a game changer.  I want to record all the birds that visit our yard and its amazing how many species of birds you discover when you really pay attention.  I'm getting pretty good at perching birds but still need to work on my in-flight action.

Rose-Breasted Grosbeak

Purple Finch


Brown Thrasher

Tree Swallow

Yellow Rumped Warbler

Yellow Warbler ( it's so stinking cute and tiny) 

Palm Warbler


Kingbird regurgitating a pellet....learned something new that moment!

And my favorite discovery this spring is seeing an Eastern Bluebird as they are uncommon in our area.

The hummingbirds are back and my main focus when I am out in the yard but I'll save those for another post.  We are also checking on the herons that have a rookery (11 nests) a few km away from our place. At the moment they are all just sitting on their nests, the activity picks up once the little ones hatch.

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